danizaga Member


  • i totally agree! very creepy and makes me think the guy is needy
  • i was just in this situation were i dated someone i wasn't even the least bit attracted to but he was nice, treated me well and said all the right things. i couldn't get over the fact that i wasn't attracted to him. i realized i can't force a physical attraction on my part no matter what. and i agree with randomdude99 it's…
  • glad your back amber. how does the farm and free food work? i'm really curious to know more.
  • carolina- no races planned yet but i'm planning on volunteering for the runforyoulives race in october. it's that zombie race series, all the heats are sold out and the volunteer page doesn't open till 3 months before the race. i'm so excited. i haven't been running lately just trying to walk 2x a day at work with a…
  • good times on the article molly. today i got back into the swing of things at the gym with my cycle class.
  • urgh i just realized i haven't been putting my exercise minutes on the spreadsheet. i'm so over not using MFP at work I don't care anymore. I'm going to start logging again from work, it's messing me up big time and it's so much easier to log in food. ladies monday morning i'll be back in action and on the boards. oh fyi…
  • hello again newbies and oldies but goodies. i got in trouble for being online on too many "non" work related sites so i'm only able to get on at home till i get my new to me refurbished mac book. i've found a walking buddy at work and we try to walk 20 minutes in the morning and afternoon some days it's not possible but we…
  • hello everyone (new and old peeps). i just wanted to say i'm sorry for being MIA i've have some massive family drama playing out the last couple of weeks which has thrown me completely off my game. Anyway, I'm back and ready to participate fully in the house. I really missed you guys.
  • hey guys. i've been feeding my cold the last couple of days and i think i've gained 4lbs.
  • Happy Monday everyone! I had a good weekend. Saturday just did more spring cleaning. It’s a bit embarrassing when the people at the goodwill donation place know me by name since I’m there every week. Sunday had the usual family members over for brunch then we took all our dogs to the park. We’ve resolved to do this every…
  • QUEEDA!! GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU! omg the beach and your son are so beautiful! hey everyone i've been looking at the week results tabs in the google document and my numbers don't make since like they don't add up at all. i think some how Nikki (bum) and my cells got mixed up in creating the functions for the spreadsheet.…
  • AMAZING!! simply beautiful
  • molly just focus on getting well. kidney infections are horrible.
  • "a block away" depends on the city and it can vary widely depending on the city. where i live everyone likes to say places/cities are only 15-20 mins away but in traffic it will take longer. molly, it's so sad that you have to leave books behind to go to uni but you'll start collecting other great and not so great random…
  • i love real books too. there is something to be said of a worn in book but no dog tailing the pages please. and it's not like you can loan your kindle to someone else to read a book on
  • hey alaska- i love trying on clothes! especially clothes that i can't afford. I didn't see last night's SMASH but the first 2 episodes were AMAZING!! i can't stand that IVY LYNN she is so hate-able.
  • Happy Fat Tuesday everyone from sunny and warm southern California! I’m seriously thinking of kick starting my Lent with giving up eating out. It’s going to be hard but I eat out WAY TOO much and Amber’s recipe links on quinoa have inspired me to portion out my meals and plan out my meals. Carolina- I haven’t been logging…
  • Happy Friday Everyone! Molly- so glad you have a great trip with your girls. you really needed a break from school and the family. Nikki- can't wait to see your robot pictures. Kathy- I'm so excited i'm going to see the Vow on Monday, going movie hoping with my friends. This week i haven't worked out a lick but i have been…
  • same here but i think it might head over to target after the gym for a retail workout
  • Nikki- happy early birthday! Amber- I haven’t had a chance to check them out but I did get the quinoa out of the cupboard and put it on the counter, one step at a time but I have to say I’m ashamed of what I ate this weekend. I had my sister help me re-arrange the house/swap rooms and make an office in the extra room. It…
  • i tried POF for awhlie. i got a lot of free drinks, dinner and make out sessions. got kind of tired after awhile, just saying.
    in POF Comment by danizaga February 2012
  • OMG IS THE SELENA MUSEUM STILL THERE!?!?!? i went to her store in san antonio right before it was closed. techno cumbia love that song
  • Molly- hope you have a great half term despite “all” the snow. Amber- feel better soon. You’re advice has been super helpful. Carolina-to get my sister to do anything I have to make her think it’s her idea. At this point I haven’t figured out how to get her to think eating healthy versions of our favorites is her idea. My…
  • southern california
  • good luck!
  • Thanks for the insight Carolina. The diversionary activities that are big for me are cleaning. The past couple of weekends I’ve been spring cleaning like crazy. I have stocked a drawer at work with oatmeal, soups, think thin and special k cereal bars and wheat crackers. I’ve completely cut the eating at work to within my…
  • i'm totally sabotaging my weight loss efforts by eating when i come straight home after work!! it's so frustrating but i have to come home early once a week to catch up on house work. i don't know what to do. does anyone have any suggestions? i lost weight in awhile i've just been maintaining.
  • skinny- thanks for the clarification i've been inspired by googledocs to make a couple of handy spread sheets for my measurements and blood pressure. i was going old school and actually writing them down on random bits of paper. does anyone have any new music suggestions? i've just heard gotye's song "somebody that i used…
  • Hello everyone!! I’m back and so glad to no longer be lurking or sick Queeda- glad you and the kids are safe and sound. I was watching international house hunters this weekend and it was in abu dhabi!! I was totally thinking of you when they were showing the mall and all the moms doing their mall walk. Amber- I’m not sure…