

  • The criteria states the patient must be underweight to be diagnosed anorexic....
  • First of all, you are flaunting your ignorance. Do you know what the DSM 5 is? It is not some fancy words someone on the interest typed up. The DSM 5 is what health care professionals use to diagnose mental disorders. Or, to put more clearly, I will give you the definition from the DSM 5 website: "The Diagnostic and…
  • How do you know how much the average anorexic eats a day? I've read 200 to 400 calories a day. There are many different numbers out there... Anorexia does have something to do with size. A lot actually. You can not be diagnosed with anorexia unless you are underweight. I'm fairly certain weight affects size.
  • No, you do not have anorexia. EDNOS is a possibility, but that can only be determined by a therapist/psychologist. Anorexia has specific guidelines. Anorexics are underweight. A person can have anorexic tendencies, but unless he or she is underweight, it is classified as EDNOS.
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