

  • Hi there, firstly congrats on the weight loss so far!! 24 lb is great! On the exercise front - well can I ask a couple of questions - are you doing the exercises just to lose weight or are you working towards some form of fitness? I am assuming just to lose weight, in which case the best way to get thru the exercises,…
  • Great to hear Jess!!! Keep it going and be happy with what you have done :-)
  • Hey Fieldsy - firstly - wow 225lbs lost!!! Incredible!! Second.....well you may feel like that but the best way to get around that is to look at the trousers you used to wear!!! That really shows you how far you come!!
  • Hey, anytime :-) And it's Matt - maniacmat is my log in, but I wasn't to know it would use that for all my posts!! haha!! Actually its a very important point - I think human's in general look forward and don't take time to look back and congratulate themselves on what they have achieved - DO IT - as it makes life a whole…
  • Hi there, Firstly, 43lbs loss so far is absolutely fantastic!! Bravo! Appreciate that you can't do heavy exercise, but doing some exercise is going to be the key - maybe get one of those step counters and try to do more walking (not sure if you work or are at home, but whatever I am sure you can find ways to increase your…
  • Well in terms of cravings, I think apples are good - they aren't too many calories, nice and sweet and seem to do the job One question though - if you really have these cravings, are you maybe trying to reduce your calorie intake too much? I'm trying to lose 1.5lbs a week, which is fairly high, and my calorie allowance…
  • I don't know about anyone else but I'm very sceptical about any product that claims to "transform your body from regular to ripped in just 90 days" Ripped takes A LOT weights and exercise - and real effort to get body fat down to a minimum - my own personal advice would be to stick to a traditional exercise programme, or…
  • Hi Brunsie, the key to this is to really build up slowly.....following a programme might help, I guess, but really it is about listening to your body. So my advice to you is to start small....and build up.....aim to maybe run 2 times a week at first - for the first month - and really slow build up - 3 mins maybe - do some…
  • Wow - fantastic!! That is so impressive Ness (if that is your name!) Gotta love success stories :-)