

  • The "30" number is an average that was mostly due to high infant mortality rate as well. If they got past childhood without dying they usually lived a good deal past 30. People want to nit pick though.
  • I've been doing it since early August and I LOVE it! It's the only diet I've had significant success on and believe I can stick to as a lifestyle. The first six weeks I was pretty strict about it but I am fairly moderate about most things now. I have some cheese on occasion and drink adult beverages (I try to limit those…
  • I've been following the diet for approximately 5 months and have lost approximately 25 lbs. I like it because there is no logging, measuring, weighing, etc. I find it really easy and feel a lot better. However, there are different levels to it. I have cheese occasionally, I eat a little rice and drink a beer now and then.…
  • You say you eat a lot but your still hungry and struggling to get enough calories. Are you eating enough meat?
  • Yes, make sure you get grass fed, UNsalted butter and whip it up. I use an immersion blender. I haven't bought the MCT oil yet but organic coconut oil is also an option. The fat is supposed to slow the rate that your body absorbs the caffeine allowing for extended energy instead of a spike and a crash. Huffington Post had…
  • Is there a reason for skipping breakfast? I sometimes struggle w eating enough calories on paleo that I don't feel the need to restrict them. And my work building's cafeteria has a really good omelet bar! :)
  • I have been making bulletproof coffee on the weekends using organic coffee but I haven't bought the beans suggested by the inventor. Do you think there is a major need for them? I like making it w coconut oil and pumpkin pie spice. The smell is out of this world. Angela, also, after a few months, the rate of weight loss is…
  • me! I've been doing it since early August. I don't have kids, so I can't help you with the Doritos stuff, except maybe don't have that stuff in the house at all. i know I can't buy cookies, ice cream, etc and just leave it alone, so I just don't buy it. that way when it is time to cheat, it'll be wine and dessert with…