

  • I am 5 foot 3 as well and currently at 143 and can't fit into a size 8. I am a size 11 in juniors and a 10 in women's. What brand are you wearing? I wouldn't mind seeing myself in a size 8 : )
  • My sentiments exactly! MFP I guess gives most these people the ability to judge people. I'm left wondering if these people have never been judged before in their lives. You'd think from they way they talk that they haven't, despite my sneaking suspicion that they ALL know what this girl is feeling. Not every two people…
  • That is definitely a risk of the medication. Not everyone is effected by it the same way. I don't believe Phentermine is directly linked to heart value problems but it did cause those issues when combined with other medications. Ultimately, you should know what you are getting into before starting it. I use it as directly…
  • Phentermine. I lost 7 pounds the first week. That and I drank at least 100 oz of water a day, which also helps with weight fluctuation. I've lost a total of almost 33 pounds in a 3 month time span. The biggest loss happening in the first 30 days. It's a bit pricey but I'd do it again in a heart beat.