cute_leper Member


  • I've been doing bikram yoga the past couple of weeks. Holy moly, it's such a great workout! I've only been to four classes, but already I notice that I'm much more flexible. The down side is that I leave looking feeling and looking disgusting. I don't think I've ever sweat so much in my life
  • oh god, it's the absolute worst! i feel like three weeks of the month, I am a rational and sane eater....that other week is awful. I'll have to try snacking more. I heard that getting extra iron helps too.
  • Ok-goal time! I'm going to aim for a month of staying under calorie goal and limiting sugar intake to only one sweet a week
  • Are we posting each day we work out, including the days we don't? I just came back from the gym where I did 30 minutes of elliptical and 15 of the stair stepper. I've been sick the past week and this was the first day back, feeling so much better!
  • I like all of those ideas except no caffeine. Oh gosh, I don't even want to imagine my mornings without my cup of coffee.
  • I really like the 30 day challenge idea! I feel like I've been losing steam the past two weeks and finally starting to get back on track of where I want to be. I feel like lbs lost would be the easiest for me as I only check my % once a month.
  • Hey all, I'm 25 and living in California. I've been using fitness pal for a while now, but it hasn't been until recently that I've been more serious about logging everything. Which is pretty hard, considering I snack as often as I do. Logging def helps keep that in check. Fitness goals are: 1. Lose 10lbs, so that I am…