

  • For myself, I have been gluten-free a year next week, as I have Celiac disease. At first I gained weight because my body didn't know what to do with the gluten, and then cutting it out it almost put it into shock because I was so ill. Now that I have been a year free, I have lost over 40 pounds. It's all in what you eat.…
  • I'm 19 and have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease for 7 months. The hardest transition you will have is reading labels and eating out. Anything that is Teriakyi contains gluten because it generally is made with a soy sauce that contains wheat. Sushi places you cannot have fake crab as it contains fillers, so make sure you…
  • I've had a similar problem,over the years I have gained a healthy normal weight, but recently the freshman (what-seems-to-be) 25 has hit me.Since then I have gone up and down in sizes trying to burn it off by dieting but it hasn't worked. It didn't matter what size I was, whether small or large, but because I gained an…