uppup Member


  • Hi Zaedra, thank you for your reply. I think I overdo it in those group classes because I'm trying to keep up with everyone else. I am impressed with your rowing. My hamstrings always tighten up when we do the rowing portion and I start off strong then completely struggle to get it done. I know I'm supposed to lean back…
    in Today Comment by uppup October 2014
  • Do not have PCOS but interested in paleo diet. Tried it a couple of days and have ended up caving (no pun intended) by dinner when my husband breaks out the loaf of whole grain bread he purchases daily from the bakery. I wonder why I have a weight problem?
    in Today Comment by uppup October 2014
  • Welcome to the October group. This is a great time of year to get started, by the time Halloween hits we will be on a roll and not be tempted to give up and eat all that extra candy that seems to be everywhere. How is day 2 going? I passed up on a slice of chocolate cake from a huge sheet cake that someone brought to work…
    in Today Comment by uppup October 2014
  • Family coming in for Thanksgiving, hope to have less stuffing by then!
    in Tomorrow! Comment by uppup October 2014
  • October 1st Weigh-In Let the challenge begin! In a lot of other challenges, people list their MFP starting weight, current weight, and goal weight. Since this is a 10 pound challenge, let's list our current weight this week and next Monday we can add October pounds lost. I remember once in a WW meeting the leader told us…
    in Today Comment by uppup October 2014
  • Yes, glad we have some joiners. Heading to the gym for a 9:30 work out, got the kids off to school early and had egg beaters for breakfast. I will come home to a sweet potato or chocolate milk which I can visualize while rowing, treadmilling or lifting my little 5-pound weights that feel like 40# by the end of the circuit!…
    in Tomorrow! Comment by uppup October 2014
  • You're doing great, I know, I wish I could look as good as I feel but it will take time. I started a 10#challenge for October. I need to motivate myself. I've been doing great with exercise but now I need my diet to lose the pounds.
  • Thank you Zaedra, I will take your advice. Glad to find this group.
  • Thank you onefortyone, right now the chocolate on your weight loss tracker is looking really good :) Better go search out some fresh veggies in the fridge.
  • Started today, was hoping, MFP would offer suggestions on what to eat. I am going to lose 60 pounds. I've tried everything and end up gaining it back once I'm off their food/shakes, WW works but I can't seem to go back. Tried Fast Metabolism Diet lots of work, like a full time job, and the food mainly tasted horrible after…