I've seen it recommended to bring a little crock pot for extended stays but haven't stayed in hotels long enough to try it! Depending on your situation, might be a great help!
Good ideas! Shaumom-Thanks so much for the bento links! We just started whole 30 and things are really stressful at my husbands work, so I'm trying to pack my him filling, whole 30 compliant lunches. THe bento seems to make it fun! Headed over to pinterest to see other bento ideas!
Oh, just saw the group link-sorry!
Hubby and I are starting after our houseguest leaves this weekend (and we finish eating the good but forbidden food in the pantry lol) How are you folks faring? Successes? CHallenges? Amazing recipes?
Also check out freezer cooking- make a bunch of whatever healthy recipe you're cooking and freeze in single serving portions. This is a lifesaver in my crazy household! throw howver many days worth in your cooler before you leave home. they'll thaw out and give you great, easy to reheat meals later in the week.
lol just read you've got a magic bullet. sorry for the repeat!
as far as the boiled eggs, you can also boil up a dozen at home and bring 'em in your cooler/ minifridge. They keep well refridgerated. you can also prep other healthy foods at home. at the same time, noil up a bunch of lentils to keep with you. adding them to salads, breakfast scrambles, pretty much anything makes food a…
DH swears by this: This might help. I have the same questions about what is "included" at my listed activity level, so can't help with that one.
Cut 'em in half lengthwise and smear on a little mustard or savory jelly-think red pepper, garlic, onion, that sort of thing. Thats enough for me to deal with the texture-I can't eat 'em straight. Can't help you on the smell though!
I read a few reviews on Amazon that Ripped in 30 was bad for the back. I have SI issues so I want to strengthen my core, not break it more! What have folks' experiences been? Is 30ds a better starting point or does it matter? Other than the lower back, I'm pretty fit. Thanks for your input!
tart cherry preserves. OMG so amazing... ...I think I need to go make some now!
Horse trainer here. Never run out of sports to do with them, including medieval gaming;-)
coconut oil. DH is taking 2 tbsp/meal as a supplement. I content myself with putting it in my coffee and whipping it for a few seconds in a blender--frothy deliciousness!
Don't know Tesco (?) but know horses! Its amazing how they help us on the calorie burning journey (among other things lol).
i put it in my coffee and blend it for abt 10 seconds-makes it deliciously latte-like. DH is taking it like a supplement-crazy high in fat and calories but supposedly boosts weight loss.
onions, pre-cooked lentils, shredded carrots whatever veggies are leftover from last nights dinner heated up with an egg either scrambled in or fried on the side. if you keep a containers of the ingredients on hand it makes it soooo fast and easy, and you only have to do a major clean up on lentil cooking/veggie chopping…
Kale rocks! i strip the stems out when using full leaf but it its the chopped-in-a-bag kind, i just throw a few fistfuls in the blender, pulling out the coarsest stems. let the blender handle the rest! Its also super easy to grow, and very pretty in the garden. If everyone grew a tub of kale and a tub of swiss chard we'd…
I use it instead of bulgar wheat in tabouli-much more nutritious....
oops, still getting the hang of this- both the shrimp and the risotto sound incredible!
OMG that sounds amazing!
I'll just hoard my calories and drink the good stuff!
I just wish it had a LIKE button ;-)
beans-you can get really creative with them, they're great protein and the fiber fills you right up! you could make a grain-free tabouli (unless your trainer lets you eat quinoa, which makes a more nutritious tabouli than bulgar) with lentils, tomatoes, and parsly, top with lemon juice and greek yogurt, mmmmm.....
most gyms give you a free orientation session. if not, just get a session with one of their trainers-its worth it!
cook up a bunch of lentils to keep in fridge-add to just about anything greek yogurt ch-ch-ch-chia seed!
Substitution! I've wanted to kick coffee for a long time to lower my cortisol, but having a good reason wasn't enough to make me make the change. We've started drinking kombucha and I find instead of drinking 3/4 of a POT I'm stopping after a cup or maybe a cup and a half of coffee. sometimes I'll have green tea as well.…
Smoothies are great- you can even sneak in stuck like handfuls of kale and not have to deal with texture. They taste delicious! You might be able to lose weight on junk food but there's a ton more to health and feeling great than slimness....
Just sent DH off to work with a belly full! My fave breakfast- lentils heated up in a skillet with onion, and leftovers-today was potatoes, but also love veggie mixes, and a fried egg in the middle. Delicious dish to power up the day. If you boil up a bunch and keep them in the fridge, they are an easy, instant way to add…