

  • I just use this site. I don't consider this a diet or even calorie counting. I just use it to gain the knowledge of what I am putting into my body. I never realized that I was eating so much, because I only ate three times a day. But I traveled alot and most of those meals were in places like Longhorn, Outback,…
  • I would not think that it matters over the long haul. The only thing I would worry about with the days of fewer than 1200 claories would be nutrient intake. Your nody will start shutting down important functions if you don't supplement your food intake with some vitamin supplements.
  • I actually weigh in every morning at the same time. I realise that it won't change much and will occasionally rise due to a multitude of factors. Don't let the numbers get to you. It is about how you feel and how much better healthy eating makes your life. The weight loss will come in time. Remember, it took us a long time…
  • I have been using the system for a week now. I have a recommended caloric intake of 1,800 calories per day to lose 2 pounds per week. I am averaging closer to 1,500 calories per day. Since I am a 38 year old male, and weigh in at 278 pounds at 6'0" tall I will lose weight rather quickly for the initial period (8 pounds the…