bresve1 Member


  • So true. My husband and I have a splurge day once a week. Sometimes we really over do it, but many times we still stay within our calorie limit because we are beginning to just lean toward the better foods. If we go over it is just for one day anyway. If you don't have that splurge day I believe it is easier to fall off…
  • That is awesome. So happy for you. Keep up the GREAT work.
  • I am set at 1200 calories a day to lose 1 lb. a week. I am losing about 1/2 lb a week most weeks, but some weeks 1 lb. It does depend on what you eat. I can eat a fritata (kind of like an open omelet) made with Kirkland carton eggs, which is 99.99% egg whites (very low in cal.) ,sliced mushrooms, sliced tomato, spring mix,…