

  • Thanks LadyHawk... I'll read those threads when I have a little more time. I had no idea bout the 2 lbs/week being high. I obviously need to do more reading! Btw, there used to be a user on msn chats years ago by the username LadyHawk... that wasn't you was it? Just curious...
  • Thanks for that Ms Natalie... the elliptical trainers at my old gym would tell me when I was in the right hr zone, but at the gym I'm at now they don't tell me and I couldn't remember what my zone was. Looks like I've been waaaay overdoing it. I'll try to bring it down some. I know all ellipticals are different, but I've…
  • Anything that helps you to watch you calorie intake and keep up with how much you have coming in and going out (exercise) will be a great help. That seems to be what is so great about MyfitnessPal. It doesn't give diets and "eat this, not that" stuff, just helps you keep up with the numbers. Not to mention, it is always…
  • Wew, that last post was long so wanted to break it up. I wanted to address the high hr. Why is my hr too high? I do notice that when I start working out after not working out for a long period of time, my hr will get higher and stay higher using less effort. But as I exercise (and presumably get in better shape over…
  • Ok, wow fast responses on here! So I have mfp setup like this: Current weight: 200lb Goal weight: 170lb Weight loss goal: 2lb/week Exercise: 5x/week Activity Level: Sedentary (which may be more or less true on different days) Ok, given that info, mfp gives me the 1390cal/day. Maybe it is set to try to achieve this weight…