ShayBerry136 Member


  • I want to thank you all for your tips. I have learned a lot just from you guys and i will defiantly take your advice to heart! I actually didn't think i'd get this big of a response and i appreciate all of your time!
  • I've been trying to loose weight. After the birth of my last baby (my son) i was the heaviest i had ever been (265lbs) I've been going through a lotta emotional changes (i gave my son up for adoption) I've been wanting to lose weight to get healthy. My mind is set on this weight loss. My goal is to be 150ish pounds by my…
  • I'm sorry i forgot to add that in there. I'm a meat and potatoes girl, i love a good meat lovers pizza, and meatballs subs from Subway. I love lasagna and spaghetti. I love Ranch too, (i blame my son for that but that's a different story) I love burgers and fries. (I'm a fast food restaurants dream), not to mention i love…