KELacey Member


  • I've read several studies that indicate that consuming about 1/2 cup of almonds per day will raise HDL (provided you can do so and stay in caloric balance, so something else will have to go...). Also, if you don't like fish consider a supplement. I like Barlean's Omega Swirl (available at many health food stores and…
  • Your baseline calories takes into account your goal rate of weight loss. The exercise is sort of a "bonus." However, I generally recommend people estimate low as far as their initial activity level then add the extra calories through working out, which is probably a little more accurate. Does that help? If you really feel…
  • Good luck. Most of those meats are pretty high fat-- I'd estimate about 75 calories per ounce. They serve you about an ounce every time they come by the table. My advice would be to skip the high cal side dishes and just enjoy the meat and salad offerings. Pass on dessert and you shouldn't do too much damage, especially if…
  • How many extra calories do you have? As long as you aren't going much below your body's minimum energy requirements, you should lose weight. However, if you go too low your body can lower it's metabolic rate and your weight loss will be slower than if you had a smaller deficit at the end of the day.
  • Below 1200 calories is probably too low for anyone. It is virtually impossible to take in an adequate amount of nutrients for healthy weight loss... and while you are losing weight now, I'd wager your losses will plateau very soon as your metabolism downshifts to compensate for such a low intake. Just sayin'...