
  • Hang in there! If you keep up with your healthier eating and stay active you will see not get to frustrated, it will take time to loose weight, remember we don't gain weight overnight so it will not come off overnight. ( I wish) As for your headaches, I would guess it is from your soda sister…
  • You should run in whatever you are the one out there doing something for your health. I run in tanks with built in bras. They seem to be comfortable to me and you know when you are running it is all about comfort, from head to toe.
  • Good for you! You look great and the best and most important part is that you feel great about proud. I'm proud of you and I don't even know you.
  • I just read an article about the affects of green tea. It is supposed to help break down fat cells and it stimulates your metabolism. Used with diet and exercise it helps burn fat. Full of antioxidants and it contains 0 calories, carbs or fat. I just started this week drinking hot green tea in morning with breakfast and…
    in green tea? Comment by AGHP June 2011
  • I hate that Strength doesn't show calories burned, you know your burning. Household chores aren't listed either, vacuming must burn something. Just keep doing something.....
  • I bought a pair about 6 months ago and I'm very pleased with them. I am not one to spend alot of money on shoes but these I feel are worth it. The first several times I walked in them I could tell they were working because parts of my legs were sore that weren't before. I've also been running in them and so far so good.…