

  • Great, congratulations :)
  • Pretty good over here. Spent the month trying to figure out what works best for me and make adjustments. What about you? How has your month been so far? :)
  • I've been skipping breakfast and just eating a big lunch. Trying to give my body more time to "eat" my fat (there's plenty there) lol. The big lunch gives me energy just when I need it and lasts me til dinner. I eat a small dinner as my activity is winding down for the day. Then I usually drink that coffee between dinner…
  • Seems like the boards are more active now
  • I've made a few changes to my eating schedule and seeing great results... Eating one big, Induction based lunch (til full) Then a very small induction based dinner A very small dessert after dinner (non induction) Coffee before bed I have been doing this new routine for 4 days and have lost 4lbs. I'm averaging about a lb a…
  • Great job! It's a very exciting time!
  • Anything lol. Just need to liven up the boards.
  • 10/12 - 249lbs 10/13 - 248lbs @TheSatinPumpkin... It's working :) Just had to substitute the coffee for water. Made me jittery.
  • Edit: Im actually considering a more structured plan that involves not ingulging as often. Though my earlier post made cheating every few days seem acceptable, it honestly isnt the best idea as my weight loss has in fact slowed down some from when I had a more structured approach.
  • Thanks, just had my morning coffee. Im inspired by your weight loss so lets hope I too have better success. I loose crazy weight when I can stay focused, but on my days off I tend to slip. So I only end up loosing like 1-2lbs a week now. I think I need a regiment like yours to give me structure. Ill post results :)
  • So you said 1-2 cups coffe in the am, eco drink for lunch and induction-based meal in the evening? Is this daily? I'd like to try this. Also where can I find the eco drink?
  • Thank man, it's good to hear from you again. And congrats on all your progress. You're a huge inspiration to everyone on mfp.
  • As far as a horror story, stay away from sugar! I ate a ice cream snowcone back in summer, got knocked out of keto for 5 days. Also, I cheated for two days in a row on my anniversary and gained 8lbs!
  • I consider cheating anytime I eat something that I know I shouldn't. It's usually eating a bun with my burger when I know I should take it off or having some chips when they're offered to me and not standing my ground. After doing Atkins for 5 months I have found that I can safely "cheat" every couple days amd still lose…
  • I've been eating nothing but beef, chicken (0 carbs) with a little cheese for fat, low carb veggies (frozen) and drinking tons of water. Lost 5lbs since Saturday. Just tried the Atkins bars last night. They're very filling and only 3 net carbs.
  • I've never had any problems other than some back pain from my spine having more room to move without all the excess fat. And yes, everyone has an opinion and it can be very stressful. That's why I left mfp a few months ago. Once you figure your body out andhow it works it gets easier. Like iI've learned that my body does…
  • Reading the book helps. I listened to the abridged audio book. But you can learn alot from reading articles online. The MFP app has worked just fine for me. I started Atkins 5 months ago and have lost 64lbs. Hope this helps :)
  • 64lbs lost since I started Atkins 5 months ago. My goal weight is 190 - currently 253 from 317