

  • Anyone else got any advice for me? Had a melt down already today and weigh in day is tomorrow.
  • I have 9lbs to lose to reach first target then another 7-14lb. I usually have cereal for breakfast or bagel with weight watchers sausages and turkey bacon on a fitness day. Lunch is usually homemade soup and slice of bread or a tuna salad pitta. Dinners depend really, beef salad, stirfrys bulked up with veg and no noodles.…
  • Thank you for your reply. I should be eating around 1650 after 20% reduction from tdee but I'm not eating that and to be honest I'm not actually hungry. Not sure what I should be doing
  • Hi been using mfp for around 8months on my phone and didn't realise there were blogs etc. Feel free to add me :)