

  • I'm here for you! We can do this.
  • I like on the go breakfast of a smoothie. My personal favorite is a bannan peanutbutter smoothie. It has protein, Calcium, and low fat. You should give it a go! 1/2 cup vanilla low fat yougart 3 tbs powdered milk 1 bannna 1/2 cup BP 1 cup of ice enjoy
  • I have been doing the Yo Yo for about 4 years. I gained a lot of weight in college, then took it off and looked GREAT. Then I fell of the wagon and started eating bad and got depressed. I like you am a stress eater. So, now I'm back and I'm taking it off if I just loose 2lb a week I could loose 104lb in a year. That is…
  • Nice to read your message. It was inspiring. Do things for you but remember what got you to this point. Its not just excercise it is changing the way you look at food choices and what you serve to your family and have in the home. I wish you the best of luck and please feel free to friend me. We can share tips on weight…