calamitygk Member


  • I found this under guerrilla cardio but it is the same thing as hitt training. I love it and usually burn at least 400 calories in the duration. Here it goes... Minutes 1-4 Warm up at 50% of preceived maximum effort followed by: Minute 5: Sprinting for 20 seconds (Maximum effort) rest for 10 seconds (50% effort) Sprinting…
  • Puree soft tofu! It's amazing... I eat it all the time cause you can flavor it any way you want. Try adding taco seasoning to it (to taste) put it on very very well cooked noodles of your choice for a southwest "cream sause" that is protein packed and low fat.
  • I used to feel the same way... I just toughed it out for a while and now I actually really like having the partner. Remember he loves you so he is a judgement free zone. :) Plus it will help you if he is in better shape cause you will want to push harder.