fitcoder Member


  • Did it turn out the way you expected (Phase 1 measurements)? My fiance also didn't notice much changes on the scale, but then once we took measurements she had made amazing progress (I think 6" total across all the measurements they have you take). She also noticed her clothes fitting much better. She's now almost at the…
  • That is awesome! It's amazing how once you make a few small tweaks to the diet, and just finish the workouts, how things just start happening. I was flopping around like a fool the first few workouts and it still was effective. Now I love jumping around in Plyo.
  • It's what you could do between Power 90 and P90X if you really wanted to go gradual. They are just added-on workouts after the original release of Power 90.
  • Awesome! Good luck. Feel free to ask me any questions about it, I'm a total believer/supporter of P90X.
  • Wow, congrats. That is awesome! I've done one round of P90X. I'm going to do a mixture of Insanity and P90X next. Really like the program and the ability to mix and match workouts they have with ones others create, like you said. The interval training is a great mix-in. I found Kenpo to be kind of easy by the half way…
  • This is a good point. You could start at Power 90 and work up. There are lots of people who do that progression.
  • It's definitely doable. Tony Horton (the trainer in the videos) is really a great motivator and also makes sure that you realize your limits and stay positive/upbeat. Even though the people demoing the moves are in great shape, you never feel like it is impossible because he gives you tidbits here and there about how you…
  • Definitely. If you just stick with the workouts, and eat well, your body really does "take care of the rest" like he says. I don't even follow the eating guide 100% and I've had great results and feel much better. I'd recommend P90X to anyone. It may be tough in the early days when you are really struggling and have to do…