

  • That is totally AWESOME! CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm on my way down too. Tomorrow is weigh in and a visit to the nutritionist at the doctors office for me. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good day! I've lost 12 lbs my 1st month.
  • I track Carbs, Proteins, Cholestrol, Fat and sugar. I am tracking for diabetes as well, as recently found out my levels are high. The doctor said to track my carbs and sugars, and to eat more protien and fruit.
  • WELL DONE!! I am on my 3rd time to lose all the weight that I piled on in the past 10 years. Seems I have done this to myself every 10 yrs as this is my 3rd time losing my gain again!! This is now a new lifestyle change for me, as the doctor told me to change my way of eating or go on medication for diabetes. I find out…
  • I seem to to this every 10 years. I have to stop doing this and stay on track! Thought this site may help me FOCUS! Hello to all Newbies.
    in Newbie Comment by JoansPlan August 2011