

  • HOLY WEIGHT LOSS, BATMAN!! YOU LOOK AMAZING! congrats on such an incredible achievement!! btw, LOVING the shoes in your "after" pics!! ;)
  • has one that i really like with a girl named Nicole Stewart, it's called Total Body Pilates, and it's only 20 minutes, but i do it up to three times, consecutively. i get it from my cable provider's onDemand menu. I have uVerse, and i know it's also available from Comcast. hope this helps!!
  • insincerity, i hate people who are so over the top fake that their voice oozes with super-sugarly hollow CRAP. it annoys the h3ll out of me! also, people who drive 55 on the freeway people who text and drive when someone says they are going to do something "right now," and five hours later, that task is still not done when…
  • it's better than ads for gout medication :/
  • holy WOW! you look AMAZING! keep it up hon!
  • day 1: Weight: 134.4 Height: 5'0 Waist (smallest part) : 29.75 Hips: 39.5 Upper thigh: 20.5 Calf: 14 Upper arm: 12 HOLY COW! this thing kicked my *kitten*, AGAIN! i'm ready for tomorrow! good luck to all!!
  • Weight: 134.4 Height: 5'0 Waist (smallest part) : 29.75 Hips: 39.5 Upper thigh: 20.5 Calf: 14 Upper arm: 12 HOLY COW! this thing kicked my *kitten*, AGAIN! i'm ready for tomorrow! good luck to all!!
  • wow! incredible! you look great!! keep up the good work!
  • you can count me in! i was planning to start that day, anyway! ;) ill be checking in with weight/measurements once a week :)
  • its not easy, no one said it would be. and if they did they were lying! lol. keep your head up, and keep tracking. its a great tool (for me) to have a level of accountability. for me, its and hours by hour struggle to make the right choices. just today, my boss asked me to run to the candy store and gett her 1/2lb of…
  • BEST. RESPONSE. EVER! im invited to splashtown on tuesday, and i said yes. and im gunna go. and im gunna get a great "before" pic! thanks for the idea!!
  • a little late to the thread, but a native Houstonian here! born and raised and still currently residing on the SOUTHEAST side! ;)
  • welcome back! i find it much easier to log and keep track of things with the app on my phone. if you have an iphone/android/blackberry, you can download the app for free! i find that it's easiest to log as im getting ready to eat, so i see what it's doing to my goals before i put it in my mouth, if i don't like the…
  • you should do this at sephora, if you don't have a brand that you prefer, since they can show you things all over the store, and not just at one counter. just a thought...if you have a sephora near you ;)
  • is that maybeline great lash?? my must haves are Makeup Forever Duo Mat Powder Foundation, it goes on very light weight, and you can control the coverage. what i love is that it doesn't slide off of my face at the end of the day, like most other foundations i've tried. and a blush by Tarte in the color Tipsy. its really…
  • me too! but i only log once a week, i was trying for fridays, but i got excited this past tuesday because i dropped my first 2 lbs, so i had to log it! next log in for my weight will be on june first when i start the 30 day shred :)
  • you look amazing! way to go on hitting your goal! im so glad i saw this thread, ive been thinking about zumba, because it looks like so much fun! i love dancing and i love dancing to latin music! i just started jillian michaels 30 day shred and im thinking about getting the zumba dvds, now for SURE ill be purchasing it!…
  • me too! i just started back up this week after not doing it for almost eight months! i was surprised it was still available! it had done such nice things to my abs and legs! cant wait to get that back, and then some! ;)
  • the one i do is 20 minutes, but i play it 2-3 times, back to back. i get it from the onDemand menu on my tv, but you can also get the particular one from its called TOTAL BODY PILATES and the instructor is Nicole Stewart. shes a little annoying, but shes the one i like best from the exercisetv people.
  • insomnia keeps me awake...last night? fell asleep at 7...this morning :/ tonight though, im trying to be asleep before 1, but it doesnt seem like its going to happen :(
  • what ive been doing is 30 minutes of treadmill @3.5 mph and/or 20 minutes of total body pilates. i just started not long ago, so i dont have alot to go on...but, i did just get jillian michaels 30 day shred and ill start it on the 1st. ill let you know how it goes ;)
  • you did the best thing you could have by reaching out for help. and i agree with the two ther posters, dont let this derail you. though i cant begin to imagine what you must be going through, i know that we all have moments of emotional destress and turn to food for comfort, but dont let it break you. get it all out of…
  • um, i think it was ...uh...pauladot...something. i read about stalking and el cucuy (the fat little girl ghost) and hallucinating that you were not going to be raped...lmfao. that one was HILARIOUS...oh, it has a pic of a little girl holding hot cheetos, which reminds me, in addition to chicharrones, i now want hot cheetos…
  • i read it. and laughed. and then i went to your blogspot. and read those. and laughed more. and i really really REALLY want chicharrones now, and there are none to be had. oh, and i "voted" for your post. does that count for something?
  • i was talking with a friend of mine about this and she laughed sooooo loud, not at the boob loss, not at the sweat itself, but she said her step-son calls it "boob juice" ...gross! lol
  • YES!!! the skinny caramel macchiato is my FAVORITE!! i get it iced or hot, both are DELICIOUS!!! i usually get the tall, only 100 cals, but today i went with the grande (i needed extra caffiene...) and it's only 140. i've also done the skinny vanilla latte, tall has 90 cals, and grande has 130!
  • wow! thank you for this! i just ordered the 30DS and will receive it on saturday. im starting on the 1 of june. this is exciting to see! cant wait to see what it does for me! thank you so much for this! ill be sure to post my results when im done!
  • im not as young as you, but im not old, either! 26 5'0" HW 145 SW 138 CW 136 GW 105-110 add me if you like! :)
  • hi im adriana, 5'0" cw 136 gw 105-110. feel free to add me!
  • girl! i did the same thing with these cupcakes! i picked it up, looked at it, in all its iced and oreo'd glory, smelled it, and set it down...and then! I GOT ICING ON MY FINGER! the damn cupcake was teasing me! but instead of licking my finger, i wiped it on a napkin and washed my hands. if i had tasted it, that would have…