

  • I'm 31 years old and halfway through my weight loss journey, but just beginning the path to total wellness and fitness. There was a time in my youth when I could EASILY do 100 push-ups. Now? I can't even do one with proper form. This program seems do-able, so we'll see! Any of you are welcome to add me if you want! I'm…
  • I just joined the ATSD meetup group. The downtown loop walk sounds like fun!
  • I'm a new member! I have had a MFP account for a long time but just haven't used it. I started on the Optifast program through Kaiser's Positive Choice Center with 60 pounds total to lose almost 6 weeks ago and lost 30 pounds in my first 5 weeks. My program got totaly changed up in the past week due to some health…
  • Those are some awesome results!! I was working out almost every day before this past week. Due to medical complications I've been unable to be active. My fitness level when I started was pretty much ZERO. My idea of "working out" may not be the same as yours ;-) but I have definitely greatly increased my activity and am…
  • I LOVE the FitBit but I lost mine last night.... :-( I think I flushed it down the toilet. In the night, you wear it in a wristband. I woke up and it wasn't in the wristband, and I couldn't find it anywhere in my bed, under my bed, or in the path from my room to the bathroom which is the only places I went. It was a HUGE…