aproc Member


  • Have you checked your trainer's credentials? I saw where you said he has a degree in Kinesiology but is he certified in training? Through a legit place? Just because he graduated doesn't mean he was an awesome student there.... I'm just about done with my degree but I would never suggest anybody stop working a body part…
  • Those types of programs are basically forms of cardio so of course people are going to lose weight. Heavy weight is needed if you want to build more muscle or get stronger.
  • If you've told him that you don't want to eat the stuff, then he has no reason to be offended. There is no reason anybody should have to eat what they don't want to please somebody else. Don't eat it and fix something for yourself. eventually he will get it and at least make portions you will eat...if he doesn't then…
  • I wouldn't trust doctors on that.. I've been told I should be 10 pounds more than I am. I'm actually trying to lose some because my bodyfat is higher than I'd like. I've also been told I was just fine at a time where I was underweight years ago. I even told him I was working on re-gaining weight and was there about dizzy…
  • It all comes down to the end of the day carb total.. If you feel fine eating 1 slice of toast then eat it. Just watch for progress and if it stalls then change something. I stay away from most non veggie carb sources on ultra-low carb days but that's just because I just crave carbs once I eat it.
  • Chill and enjoy the holiday..... Your not going to ruin your work with just a few days. Unless you just eat everything in sight... People over think this. A few days off your diet isn't going to do anything. It's when you just let all self control go and can't get back on track that ruins people. The worst that might…
  • What irritates the hell out of me is when women bash their own body around other women. The way you see yourself is often different from what others see so sure....they might not realize that the woman next to them looks similar or bigger....or even smaller and having a hard time gaining. It's ridiculous. I would never sit…
  • Ugh. I had trouble with this one too since my bf pretty much has what he wants. He's 30, never drinks, and never really wants much. When he does, he just gets it. =_= I just got him a movie he wanted to see, the new wrestling box set, two action figures, a shirt he's been wanting to replace because it has a hole in it, and…
  • I use coconut oil in cooking meat. It doesn't make it sweet.
  • It really depends on how you feel at that amount. Some people figure out their fat and protein and then use the remainder of their calories for carbs which can be high. It's hard to suggest something for somebody because some people do awesome reaching their goals on higher carbs while others have to really watch their…
  • It all depends on the individual and goals. Some people do well on higher fat diets while others do best on low fat. If what your eating now is working, then don't change it. Not saying a lot from processed junk is good, but whole foods...sure. I've been eating pretty high fat lately. Saturated fat can be good for you as…
  • Just depends on what kind of roll you get. Fish, rice, seaweed, vegetable= great foods. It's just when you start getting the rolls with fried meat, certain sauces, and other fillers that you have to start really being careful.
    in Sushi Comment by aproc December 2012
  • Those dog biscuits do look pretty darn tasty.
  • Yes, she obviously knows she's off track. If you've been trying to help her lately and she refuses and is snappy then it's time to stop. Nobody likes somebody else nagging them and reminding them of their weight problems constantly. She will just have to really want it before she will try losing weight again.
  • Oh my. A boy with red hair. My bf is going to be rather suspicious. >_>
  • He honestly just might not know how hurtful that is. My boyfriend says some stuff like that but he doesn't mean that way. You have to think about how he treats you and if he has made comments in the past. If this was a one time thing, then I wouldn't sweat it and just write it off as him being stupid.
  • For my personal type of diet, I try to get more fat in because my carbs are pretty low for certain days. So my coffee typically consists of 1 tbsp of heavy whipping cream, small amount of almond milk, and a little sugar free torini syrup. It's 1g of carbs but probably not what your looking for since it's about 60 calories.…
  • I don't think it's ok for anybody to tan in tanning salons. I'd much rather get my vitamin D through being outside or supplements if I were that serious about it. But I wouldn't risk doing myself damage with tanning beds or encouraging others to do so. Leave your bf alone about it. He's a smart guy. :P
  • I've been with my boyfriend for a year and he has several close female friends that he hangs out with. It bothers me a little sometimes but they've been friends a long time. If he were hiding his conversations and me, then I"d be worried. You can't ask him to give up friends that he's had before you but he shouldn't be…
  • As long as it is full fat pork bacon. Absolutely. I'll cook up some whole eggs with butter to go with it. Can't forget the cheese and the coffee with heavy whipping cream either. Bring on the protein and fat. >:P
  • Just got to keep trying stuff. Sometimes it takes forcing yourself to do it often and eventually you might love it. I don't do much cardio anymore because i hate it but I do weights almost every day because I love that. I used to hate weights but it was the lesser of the two evils....Once I started going consistently long…
  • If your constantly eating under then you need to increase the calories at the meals you do eat. If you can only eat 2 or 3 times, then find ways of making some high calories meals. Not getting enough calories will do more harm than good if your way under.
  • I think it's mostly health that we should be doing it for... And I don't eat anything I hate. There are plenty of choices out there to find food you love that will fit your plan. I also love my workouts. I hate cardio so I don't do it too much and stick to weights. Theres got to be some form of exercise that each person…
  • When I lived in dorms, I made sandwiches, eggs in the microwave, sweet potatoes and kept plenty of stuff like nuts, fruit, etc in my dorm room. I only ate one meal a day in the cafeteria. Just find the leanest meat you can and veggies. If everything was total crap, I'd make a huge salad at the salad bar and get some…
  • Theres got to be some time where you can fit some cooking in. Prepare the meals ahead of time and your set. Don't let the finals be your excuse to slack off of getting good meals. :) I know I don't study the whole 12-16 hours I'm awake each day. :P
  • Are you kidding me? I'd be dipping my bacon in the peanut butter! Seriously....I've done this. XP
  • I intially lost weight without exercise but it is still very important for health. And as i'm sure you know, 1000 calories is no where near enough. You may lose weight now, but what do you expect to happen years from now when your eating more? Even a small amount like 1500 would make you gain weight very quickly because…
  • I mix two laughing cow cream cheese wedges with it.
  • Doesn't matter when you eat it and how many times. As long as you get enough calories and hit your macros..
  • I'm jealous. :P I work my calves pretty heavy and nothing.