Jingle603 Member


  • I recently made a turkey chilli with sweet potatoes and black beans in it that was delicious. Also, Cooking Light's Meatloaf Muffins are a huge hit in our house as is taco soup.
  • I started with the 30 Day shred almost two years ago. Was good for someone like me who had limited time and wasn't working out at all before. I never intended to become an athlete with it, but it did make me stronger and fitter at least from my standpoint. I then started doing banish fat boost metabolism and combined that…
  • I work three long days a week (wed-fri) so I try to work out once on either Thursday or Friday. My husband and I split duties those nights putting our four year old son to bed (our 15 month old girl goes to bed by 7 most nights) and the other has time to do Work Out DVD/Run on elliptical before it's too too late. I hate…
  • Count me in, especially another shorty (5'4") where 5-10 pounds makes such a huge difference. This is my first time posting or joining a group, but I need to blast past this two month plateau...well not really that, with the holidays and sick kids I haven't been working out much. I'm happy with where I'm at eating wise,…