

  • to: nchandler22 let me first say that you should be proud of yourself every time you go to the gym instead of making excuses. that right there shows me that you not only can follow through with weight loss, but you can get yourself out of a situation that is only making your life harder and less happy. we all have the…
    in breakup. Comment by kaitlyn08 July 2008
  • you found the right place =) this site is great for making yourself responsible for what you're eating, but it's even more amazing that people on here give you the support that is NECESSARY for getting to where you want to be. best wishes to you!
  • so i just ended my relationship with my boyfriend and i've turned to ice cream and pizza with ranch dressing to "make me feel better"... which it hasn't. i've actually only become more upset with myself. i guess i'm just looking for some support and encouragement to keep my away from the refrigerator. and at the moment…
    in breakup. Comment by kaitlyn08 July 2008
  • hey, i just joined today & found these message boards full of good advice. lately i've been spending more time at home, and consequently eating more and more. i began losing weight last year and had at one point lost 21 pounds. BUT i have backtracked and have gained almost 9 pounds within a few months. =( now i'm trying to…
    in newbie Comment by kaitlyn08 July 2008
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