

  • 21 and looking to get back to a healthier and more toned self. Feel free to add me!
  • I would do as many real push-ups as you can. The point of working out to lose weight and improve your physique is to add intensity to your workouts. You need to push yourself to do the real ones. The girly ones are good for beginners but if you keep doing the girly ones, you likely will stop seeing results. You probably…
  • WOOO!!! HELL YES!!! GO CANUCKS!!!! They need to pull through after Monday's game.:noway: Monday's game was ridiculous.
  • I haven't taken it but my sister has. She started working out in February 2009 and has lost about 30lbs now. She tried taking it at the beginning of her diet and then stopped. She told me flat out that it was a waste of money. It didn't help her lose any weight (she was eating healthy and exercising an hour a day). All it…