

  • I love a guy with hair, I am a big survivor watcher and love it when the guy are bearded at the end. Then back to the states they go and so does all the hair and they all look like school boys or have cubba faces. And also a man with a well muscle chest with some fur makes me a very happy lady!
  • I eat if often and always pan boil/stream it. Add just enough water to cover fillet in a flat pan using what ever spices you like, I like lemon pepper & garlic herb. Cover and boil till tender........Enjoy Diane
  • You are so right ,it is like say which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of rocks? a pound is a pound!
  • WOW, what a beautiful bride, your groom must be so proud!
  • Hi I had Rouxen -Y surgery in fall of 2002. I loss 115 lbs and at that weight I was to thin. That was about 6-1/2 years ago. Because of being so thin I had to snack more to get enough calories to stop from lossing more weight( I had a VERY physical job) Well need less to say when I stop doing that job and got a desk job,…