

  • Since nobody else has mentioned it, I would recommend "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe (both the book and the DVD). He also has a website and forum, and if you google it there is a WIKI page that describes the program. Essentially this program is designed for people who are just starting strength training. His book and…
  • Sometimes people will see quick results based on dropping carbs from what they had before -- that could be a few pounds of water weight due to the glycogen/water that is stored to access the glycogen. The carbs you were eating may have convinced your body to hold onto the glycogen, or maybe you weren't eating that much…
  • Agree with you. This isn't a "fad" (or it is only a fad if you assume that the foods humans traditionally ate were a fad). Nor is it a "diet" for me. I wanted to lose a bit of weight when I started, but more importantly wanted to be healthy. I've since lost about 20 lbs, dropped 7 pts off of my body fat %, and am…
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