My sister did this program and loved it. I would like to do it, but need to learn how to run correctly on a treadmill so that my shin's don't hurt every time I'm done.
I got a Moving Comfort sports bra at a local runners store. Its double cupped and very secure. Have lost enough weight I had to go down a size. Their not cheap, $50, but I believe well worth it.
Congrats to all who have quit. Keep it up! And to those who want to quit, just do it. I quit March 4, 2011 cold turkey, or rather, bronchitis helped me. My husband smokes so it wasn't easy at first. I joined the gym and went as often as I could when I had cravings. I found that if I did something else with my hands helped.…
I got my sports bra from a running store. The best $50 investment I ever made.