

  • Hey! Just thought I'd share with you one of my favorite smoothie ideas. My typical dairy-free breakfast/snack smoothie consists of the following: 200 ml low cal cranberry juice, a medium banana, 1/4 cup frozen blueberries and 2 tbsp crushed pineapple - which roughly translates to about 210 calories per serving. Seeds…
  • I know of a recipe for a really good Wasabi Quinoa salad. Since I only remember it by memory alone, I don't know the exact measurements anymore. Depending on how much you want, you can make adjustments of your own - it makes a large salad and lasts a three or four days on how well it’s refrigerated. Add in a large bowl:…
  • Sorry it’s not working for you. I can't say I agree though, since I plan to start using the treadmill myself soon. Most of my daily exercise comes from walking and bike riding, so I like having other options - which will be good since its my birthday next week and I don't think I will be able to stick to my goal for a few…
  • That sounds great. As soon as the junk food is gone, then I can totally stick to those plans. Excercing lots to burn of the extra chalories need to munch on them sparingly, and then replacing the candies with apples or other naturally sweet fruits sounds like a good idea to me. Thanks!