Hey guys.... thanks for the Eat-Stop-Eat referral:smile: :smile: .... been to the website... I think that is what I was looking for....I'm going to give it a try
Yeah I saw him on PBS and then did a little research on him and fasting... I am considering a 24 hour fast 3PM-3PM and making it once a week activity. I was just wondering if anyone else had it as a part of their plan.
Hi I have been a physical therapist for 30 years... Fitness...When I graduated they called it jogging and Jane Fonda exercises... most people just thought it was a fad. How things have changed. Most of my newly graduated peers have been well schooled in exercise physiology and nutrition... something I am still trying to…
Hi, I live in Blue Ridge.... I would like to join your group.
Sure I need a buddy too. How do i friend you?