

  • It is nice to see the support this site provides for all ages. I hope you all have a great April! We are moving mid-April so it will be crazy but I am determined to stay with healthy eating and lots of physical activity. :flowerforyou:
  • I am so glad I found this topic. Ever since I entered Perimenopause I am able to gain weight faster and unable to take off as easily. And newly acquired belly fat and shift of weight to the midsection drives me nuts. I very much appreciate all of the posts to this topic and wish you all luck in the quest to beat the…
  • I would love some support! My goal is to lose 15 - 20 lbs. I was going along really well last year; then we made a long distance move in August and today I realized I had gained 13 lbs back!. I guess that shocked me back to reality so I am ready to start getting back to being healthy. Anyone who would like support feel…
  • Hi everyone ~ This site and community is just what I need to give me the tools and support to motivate me to stick to my goal of safely losing 15 lbs. I know it doesn't sound like much but when you are only 5' 1" it is a lot. And it all goes to the same location. Ugh! Wishing you all continued success on your program to…