

  • That is awesome! I never thought to take measurements, as I just got by scales at the moment and then with how clothes fit. Maybe on the weekend I can get DH to help take some :)
  • You gotta be careful of some wraps. I had been getting wraps from subway thinking they were the healthier option as less bread = less carb. But I was shocked when I started on MFP and looked them up. The following is just on wheat, white and a wrap combined without anything else. Wheat: 190cal / 7.8 protein / 2.6 total fat…
  • Personally, I would follow one or the other properly, then use the other one as a comparison. You'll probably find there isn't a whole heap difference between WW and MFP.
  • Anastaciak - angelic29 - ArmadilloNZ - Atalantanz - Bekkaz - Bekkaz or Bekkazalien bonandbax - BylesFam - cadiam - carleybarley - carleybarley CountryMummy - CountryMum darkstartrails - Kluger debsilou - debsilou dejaca - romeosmum Dejay50 - dejay* denz100plus - Denz Excited1973 - Excited footykam - Kamox fourbees - Amie…