

  • Apples are very filling, affordable and easy to transport. I like mine sliced in baggies when I travel. At home, for TV snacking, I'll add cinnamon and heat in the microwave. For breakfast, I like apple chunks with cottage cheese. I'm not a yogurt fan but that might work, too.
  • Fantastic pics! Especially the smile of pride!! Thanks for helping to motivate me.
  • Hello! I am similar to you. I lost a good amount and was pleased....and took time off. Now, I am trying to get myself back into the serious goal to reduce even further. I need to exercise more. I stopped doing anything during the week...and I really need to get back to it! I love weight training and that worked very well…
  • I have the same problem. I'm told that for every 5 lbs lost, you can hope for an inch reduction in the waist. I haven't had that luck. In general, it seems that fat leaves my waist last. So all the things needed to reduce fat anywhere are what will tackle the waist. It's just the last area to reduce...on my body. You may…