

  • I tried calorie counting but it didnt work for me..I have lost 4 stone 10.5 lb in 34 weeks with slimming world and I love it!!! Reached target yesterday....I lost 6lb in my first week and I ate loads if u in the uk try it you will be amazed good luck x
  • Hi me too! But this time I am determined..but I have a lot of hard work ahead as I need to lose 5 stone! What about you ? This time I have decided to eat 2 meals of fruit and a sensible evening meal..I have no idea how this will be..how do you do it? kate !
  • Know the feeling!!!!!!!!! I just started and got 68lb to go, had a salad for lunch but all I can think about is my next meal...guess I'd better drink some water and keep busy, good luck!