

  • I guess I don't really have cheat days, only "Ah screw it!" days, where I over indulge, specially when I drink alcohol. So basically, parties, special ocasions like going out to eat at a restaurant, etc.
  • I wish I'd get in the between Ripped/Athletic and swimmer, would be awesomely-doodely.
  • wow amazing! you look really fit and lean now! and how much time between each photo? congratulations :)
  • Actually I went to abuse on alcohol in christmas and new year's, but I'm 24 and usually all parties have loads of alcohol. I'm thinking about toning it down a bit, and only consume to my taste or just to get a little tipsy, because binge drinking is really a load on your body, and it's killing my calories (usually there's…
  • dude, great job, really, and it's so inspiring to see that it's possible to get fit and ripped, and change so much in such little time.. Congratulations!
  • here here! I'm 24, I'm on MFP for almost a month now and I'm trying to get more motivation, since this last week I was a little down on the pumping up the mood. Good to see everyone on the same age scale, it's easier to identify with people our own age :)
  • At the same time I started MFP and counting calories, I started taking some "diet pills", that are what someone already said here, an appetite inhibitor, and it worked well for me, with the water too. I usually have a really big appetite, so if I want to lose some weight I must try to control it, and the pills help, but of…