

  • I'm also in college full time with a part time job and I do make time to work out because it makes me feel better about myself. My definition of being happy is feeling good about my body. Going out and partying wouldn't be half as fun if I wasn't already comfortable in my own skin. I think before you even worry about how…
  • Oh and also I do like that idea for the reverse crunch. I will check that out! I totally agree about the diet. I can't wait until I'm not living on campus so I can buy my own choices of healthy food instead of having to constantly eat the stuff offered at my school which I know isn't what's best for my body. As far as the…
  • Yeah I heard that program works really well...just too expensive for me! I'm one of those poor college students haha I usually walk everywhere for exercise in addition to my gym work outs. What's the best way to work out in order to gain lean muscle? That sounds exactly like what I'm looking for.