

  • Wow, I think you have proven that no one has an excuse which can stop them if they want to lose weight. Thank you for sharing your pictures, they are definately inspiring. Congrats on the weight loss, I bet it was hard work but I am sure you feel glad you started now.
  • I also have Fibro and really wish I had the ability to do some of these things, I cant even walk for more than 2 minutes so have to use a wheelchair when I am out and have a stick for short distances. I have in the past tried to push my body because I was told that exercise would help and was starting to feel like maybe it…
  • Jenny, thank you for the reply - I will listen to any advice and I think no matter how severe or mild someone suffers with fibro, it makes you understand it in a way that other people dont. You mention the recumbant bike, my Hubby actually suggested that and we are looking into getting one as he thinks that may be easier…
  • Thank you everyone for replying, its good to know that others are finding ways to exercise despite having fibro. I would love to be able to walk, even if it were just for 10 minutes or even 5, but I cannot walk far at all - to the bathroom and back is about my limit, maybe a little further on a good day!! The problem is…
  • Thank you so much for the replies, everyone is so supportive on here from what I have seen so far, I really do feel like this is the tool I need to help with weight loss. Its great to see what is working for others, having support when you have a bad day and I think the ability to log food and exercise is really good -…
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