

  • Count me in too! My goals for the next 100 days will be: 1) Log in and track my food every day 2) Drink at least 10 glasses (8 oz) a day 3)exercise 3 times a weekfor 30 minutes
  • try eating what you want for one day. Not excessively but in moderation. It makes your brain think you are not on a diet, and kicks in the fat burning . I have used this before and it does work. Sometimes you may even gain a pound but the end result is that your body starts burning fat faster again. I'm not saying this…
  • I saw a few people driving down the street today. I hate when _____________________.
  • Hey brandiann, I just wanted to give you a little hint that my dr gave me... eat what you want to for 1(NOT 2, but 1)day. do not over indulge, but add in a few calories here and there that you wouldn't eat normally on a diet. It tricks your body into burning more calories and fat on the next day that you eat right. It had…
  • I guesss I am a little late yet a little early. I just read about this group and would like to join in. My first weigh in was a day early, so I just have 91 days or I should just stop a day ahead of everyone. I have found that it is alot easier to do things with a support system. I quit smoking after 35 years by having to…
  • try drinking more water, :drinker: that seems to work fo me when I feel like that. By the way where did you get your smoke free tracker? I have been smoke free for 57 days today. Congratulations and good luck!
  • I hope you Have a GREAT BIRTHDAY!!!!
  • hi everyone, I am new to this website, but not new to being overweight. Hopefully with all the neat stuff on this site, it will give me the tools I need to lose the 86 lbs that I need to take off.