

  • a small swallow on my right hip, a star on my left hip, and in the middle a sacred heart with flames and wings. :)
  • Oh God you guys, this thread is a life saver! So glad that there are other people out there than me. Its so hard. I get in, make my dinner which is always balanced and healthy after being so good all day. Then the feasting begins :( Tomorrow: cut off time 9pm. It is. I mean it. Lets do this!
  • ASL: 24, Female, UK Games: Skyrim, Fable 1,2,3, Bioshock 1,2, Overlord 1,2, Oblivion, old skool PS1 platform games, Final Fantasy 7-9, Zelda, Mario Karts on N64 Status: forever alone ahaha.... :3
  • Hello :) With regards to quorn, I often use it as a replacement in my meals as its cheaper and keeps in the freezer, and of course is low calorie and low fat. - I use quorn/morrisons own brand mince in chilli, shepherds pie and spagbol. You can't tell the difference texture-wise, but make sure you season really well with…
  • Oh I'm so glad other people ae coping with this too! As soon as I get in from my day I start thinking about what I can put in my mouth. Even when I stop and think to myself "I am not even hungry", I still want something. Something sweet, savoury, chewy, runny, whatever is in the cupboard, I want to chow down on it! :( So,…