

  • Four ibs in one week! Awesome! I started last week on p90. I used this dvd several years ago after my first child and saw pretty good results. It's time to start it up again! I am also trying to walk/jog during the week, and I am excited to have another group of people doing this workout to hold me accountable! I think…
  • Hey thanks everyone! I think I will look into the heart rate monitor. It does seem like it is the way to go. Just did the sweat dvd this morning : )
  • Thanks. I did a search on the net too, and couldn't find anything. I have a Omron pedometer, but it doesn't track heart rate. : ( I guess I will just track it as general aerobic too. I just wish I could be more accurate : )
  • Does anyone know how to get a good estimate on how many calories are burned after completing each dvd?
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