

  • Congrats! You look fabulous!
  • Awesome! I agree with you! My hubby works out with me, will change his eating because it's what I want to do. Even if he doesn't like it he will try anything anyways. When I do runs (and he isn't working) he is always there at the finish line. When I ran my first half he went and found me to make sure I was okay or if I…
  • I'm the same way, I only log when I actually go workout. At work I take the stairs but I don't log that. I guess everyone is different, but I only feel like I am actually burning calories when I workout. On days I don't workout I don't eat as much as I would on workout days.
  • HI! My name is Jennifer from Texas. I started running 2 years ago. A friend wanted me to try a 5K and who would have thought I would have gotten addicted! I ran cross country my last year of high school, but that was 12 years ago. Anyways I hated long distances up until 2 years ago. The only reason I ran cross country in…