

  • re: the almond flour question - I have seen it at whole foods, but it's always sold out. always. same at shaw's! so i buy mine on amazon to ensure i have it. i've done the same with coconut flour and unsweetened coconut flakes. i challenge anyone to find unsweetened coconut flakes in a store! or, you can just contact me if…
  • all of the above - plus blackberries or blueberries - which ever is on sale. just a handful of either is enough to kill my sweet / fruit cravings (usually)! this week i made a ground chicken, spinach, tomato and red pepper casserole with a creamy taco seasoned sauce. it is a little more calorie dense than I thought, so i'm…
  • Hi there! I'm joining in here, too! I was a longtime r/keto and r/xxketo lurker, but have recently been posting a bit. I figure the support I can give (and receive) the better this whole experience will be, right?! I'm one of those oh so lucky women that have been heavy since, well, forever.. as long as I can remember,…
    in Welcome! Comment by bleusie April 2013
  • Hi there! New to keto boards here on MFP - and I'm a lurker on reddit - but starting to post a bit there, too! I've been on keto since 2/18 and find that I *must* plan my meals. And my snacks. And my exercise. haha. So for this week, I've made all of my breakfasts and lunches ahead of time. Go me. Breakfast: Egg Muffin - I…