stepho38 Member


  • My son has always been in the 90th % on both his height and weight so he has always evened out. But he is now 7 almost 8 and his last check up he was about even on his height and still above average on his weight. He is not fat but you can tell he was a little over weight and Dr was not to concerned but said if he keeps…
  • To me it seems like you get a lot of calories to eat in one day. I only get 1200 a day unless I work out then I get more. I don't know if that is just because I have a lot more weight to lose or not.
  • I love making chicken with them, but you know I never thought to use it with veggies. I just figured out what is for dinner tonight. Thanks for the suggestion
    in Who knew? Comment by stepho38 June 2013
  • Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!!