

  • Ex-Lax Paper Bags Lighter :smokin:
  • 1.25 oz of Rum(Captain) with Diet Coke gets me through the summer. That same dose with Apple Cider in the winter, the cider is more calorie intake though :( so I can only have 5 :p Beer is a toughy. The 65 and 55 calorie r like drinking piss water to me, might as well have an O'Douls. I like-a the tasty hops like you do,…
    in ...Beer? Comment by Mchllmry July 2011
  • Grilled Salmon Grilled Chicken Wok Veggies Fresh Cut Fruit Apples and 1 tblsp Peanut Butter Egg White Breakfast Burritos with Grilled veggies Lowfat Cheese and salsa Sugar Free Applesauce Baby Carrots Celery Delli Turkey Orrowheat Sandwich Thins Captain Morgan and Diet Coke :)
  • I heard potassium. I started eating bananas a lot when I was jogging last year, and it seemed to help. Running/walking in the grass beside the path your on helps too, if you run a path, it will get rid of shin splints. Gotta watch 4 doggie treats and terrain a lot more though, but my shin splints went away when my hubby…