adegonia Member


  • We accept your appology! I think a lot of people on here have probably been battling self image/weight problems longer than you have been alive. LOL Just keep in mind that you never know someone's background. Personally my dad thought it was ok to feed us chocolate cake for breakfast and fitness was never a thought. So 27…
  • I am probably one of the new people that you are referencing although looking back through my food diary I haven't been doing too terrible. I guess I just see it a little different. I didn't join to become a health nut (no offense to anyone who is I just don't have the desire) I joined to loose weight but do it by a…
  • The whole reason I joined MFP is because of that very question. I am satisfied with the way I look but I was sick of people asking me if I was pregnant. NOT COOL! If you drink soda even diet I would cut it out. It will make you look more bloated in that area. That is all I have found so far but I lost and inch in that area…
  • I take walgreen's prenatal vitamins. They aren't as big as other vitamins and don't give you that nasty after taste. They have 200% of my daily vitamin C so you may check yours. You pee out any vitamin C you don't need so I would think you may be wasting your money one taking the additional pill. It's worth checking
  • 141 today...Up a pound but I'm on day 20 and lost the first 4 fast so I think maybe my body is getting used to eating fewer calories. I am hoping to get down to 135 before summer so I can enjoy being in shape before August comes(baby making time) I hate having to wait until then, I have baby fever pretty bad, but getting…
  • It sounds like you are dating my ex husband LOL. Seriously though, that is emotional abuse it will not get better no matter how much you love him or try to make his life stress free so he won't have anything to freak out about. I wasted 10 years with someone like that and thought if I could just get us to the perfect life…
  • well this morning I was 2 pounds lighter. I wasn't feeling to well yesterday so I didn't eat much but I feel better today. I can live with a pound of water weight.
  • Yeah but I was on LoEstrin before this so I wouldn't think 2 days of a new pill would equal 3 lbs....if so I need to switch again asap!
  • Ok then I will wait a few days and then log it. Hopefully Aunt flow will go home and my body can be normal again. Thanks for answering me so quick. It's really easy to get discourged when the scale goes back to your starting's like so I have been good for nothing.
  • I would like to join the group. I'm only a couple weeks into this so how does it work? We plan to start trying in August.
  • I look at my calories like cash. (I'm a Dave Ramsey FPU graduate lol) I eat pretty much whatever I want but force myself to decide if what I want to eat is worth the deduction to my bank. When I am out I'm out. I give myself a cheat day so I don't give up. I'm pretty new to this so I haven't perfected it but I am losing so…
  • So you were able to chart your bbt while on the pill? I wouldn't worry to much about the lunch meat. It's amazing anyone has a healthy baby anymore since there are so many new rules all the time. I just stand on the promise that God makes everything beautiful in his perfect time. So when I am suppose to have a baby I will.
  • Yeah I was that girl to. Now I'm in my late 20's and have dunlap (my belly done lapped over my jeans) Sorry I'm an Okie! Once you get started it's not that bad. My food diary is public so you can see I still eat out, have days I don't quite make my goal but I'm not giving up. You can do this!
  • Yeah I was wondering if the pill was effecting me. My cycle has been so messed up for the last few months. The doctor is going to call me tomorrow and let me know what I need to do. I'm hesitant to take a stronger dose because it's just 4 more months until I completely stop taking it anyways. So how long did it take you to…
  • Usually it's because you are having a reaction to one of the filler metals in it. I cannot wear silver because of the nickel that is in it. Gold only occationally turns me but I have no problem with white gold or stainless steel. All white gold has a rhodium plating over it (hence the white color) You may try that or…