

  • Great suggestions floating around! I used to own a tailoring shop and strongly suggest you "make friends" with a tailor or proficient seamstress! Many will barter and that will save you cash. If you have the too-big stuff tailored and then next time those clothes are too big, buy a few new things, by the time they are…
  • ColemanM, I didn't post the question; however, I would love to take a look at the recipes from you nutritionist. Will you share them with me? Thanks!
  • Needing to lose 50 would be a dream for me. Try multiplying that by three. Today I'm frustrated, dispondent, and feeling too (much too) behind in everything. Our 27-year-old son rents a portion of our house. It's nice having him around to look out for critters if we go away for a few days (we'll be at the ocean Memorial…
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