

  • Bring a bag of apples to work and a shaker of cinnamon. When you see those donuts tempting you, cut up an apple and shake some cinnamon on it (or put some peanut butter on it) and eat it instead.
  • My boyfriend got me into Geocaching recently. If you have a computer and a smartphone that is pretty much what is needed to start. Other supplies are generally things people already have like a car, a flashlight, some OFF, a bottle of water, a pen. Go to Geocaching.com to sign up and you can get a free app on your phone to…
  • How tall are you? The reason I ask is because you look pretty short and I weigh about the same as you and I'm 5' 9½" and I would still never fit into size 8 jeans!!! Hmm... it must be true what they say, muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less room... :) I haven't been working out lately.
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