

  • I took a day off, and boy did it throw me for a loop! I went carb crazy. I'm going to look into getting back on track with decreasing my carbohydrates, rather than trying to do IF right now. However, I do like the practice of not eating after 6:30 except for special occasions if I can swing it. I could feasibly be happy…
  • I sleep so much better doing this. When I wake up, I feel as if I have really slept HARD. I also like not having to feel overly full at night. The hardest for me is the morning hours, as I've never been one to skip breakfast. I had a very carby day so far, so I'm making a huge salad with lots of veggie and protein for my…
  • Congrats on your success so far!!! I am on day 3, its 10:20 am, and I'm not ravenous!!!! I broke fast at 10am the first day, 10:20 the second day. I'm astonished because I was a bit hungry as I went to bed last night. I recognize my hunger, but it isn't overwhelming me. I think I'm getting to that point where you can get…
  • I just started IF yesterday. I'm trying the 16/8 approach, because people seem to be able to hold on to that pretty well. I've also looked into the fast 5 approach. Yesterday, I stopped eating around 6. I took in about 1580 calories during a 6.5 hour time period. I never eat that few calories, so it was a good learning…
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